CardioMetabolic Risk - CardioMetabolic Profile, serum

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  • Regular price $199.00

This advanced test evaluates risk factors for cardiovascular disease (CVD) plus metabolic factors associated with metabolic syndrome and type II diabetes.  In addition to the traditional CVD risk factors, the test includes much more clinically sensitive atherogenic lipoprotein sub-species, the primary apolipoproteins, arterial inflammation and the activity of the lipoprotein- associated phospholipase- A2 (PLAC).  PLAC activity is a very sensitive indicator of active atherogenesis and instability of advanced arterial plaque.  Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is centered around insulin resistance and atherogenic dyslipoproteinemia, and is a risk factor associated with CVD and kidney disease. The test includes cystatin C to better assess glomerular filtration, and 1,5-anhydroglucitol (Glycomark®) that is a better indicator of hyperglycemic episodes than HbA1C.  The primary adipokines associated with insulin sensitivity and hepatic fatty acid metabolism are also addressed.

Turnaround Time

5 to 7 days